Essay on Importance of Newspaper

Importance of Newspaper

Newspaper prefer as the most important and powerful source of knowledge. It is a kind of social reformer, attention grabber of the public towards serious concerns and activities going on all over the world. A newspaper is a great influencer. It is regarded as the best tool of communication. Each person has its own expectations for newspaper. A newspaper is basically a printed paper containing public news or comments on different topics. Every newspaper tries to impact their readers or want to win them through news and views, articles, pictures, poems, cartoons, editorials, presentation techniques, exclusive stories, and news items. While to some people newspaper is a mirror through which we get an image of the practically whole world. These newspapers encourage sharing of thoughts which in return promote unity and integration. Newspapers are a link between public and government in modern democracies. Due to the trust and position of newspapers in public, they have a great influencing power. But this reputation also brings responsibility to them because unethical reporting by them has the potential of negative influence.
Newspapers have a large responsibility in providing us with the latest on the national and international front. They serve as an international link, which connects one country with another and opens the way to universal unity. Men with knowledge and reputation contribute their articles through the newspaper. Such articles are instructive, thought-provoking and provide us a kind of mental food. They are the mouthpiece of public opinion, they satisfy public needs. Through their columns, the public can present their views on subjects of national and international issues.

Newspaper plays a crucial role in a democracy. They act as a bridge between the government and the public of that particular country. They make people aware of policies, programs, and activities of the government. They also give a view of all the positives and negatives of the government to the public. They also make the government aware of the problems, being faced by the people. Almost everyone read newspaper in some manner every day. Newspapers mobilize public opinion. People can give their views and prospects through the newspapers and can carry their voice to the government. They protect the liberty of the people and safe their rights also. They are a check on the government officials who sometimes act wrong or misuse their position. During election days newspapers play a very important role. It is newspapers through which we come to know about policies and programs of different political parties. Newspapers are very important for a successful democracy because they educate and mould the public opinion.
In any democracy, there should be an efficient and fearless press. Press is its mirror of society. Newspapers should only focus on giving a true picture of society. And a free and true press will help in the growth and development of the country. Press freedom is also counted as an important factor in the growth of the country.
The newspapers acquaint the public with the policy and program of the state. They promote consciousness and raise the mental and moral standards of people. During wars and emergency newspapers give an hour-to-hour report of the situation. Also when natural disasters come like famine or flood overtake then in certain level newspapers organize relief work and unite people from other areas to help in the rescue operation. Other states respond to the situation with the men, money or material what they could have. Newspapers act as critics who criticize most of the social, economic and political evils prevailing in our society or nation. Newspapers focus on all social and political evils prevailing in our society. Some of these evils are untouchability, dowry, drinking, gambling, drug addiction, etc. Newspapers can help people to root out these evils.
Newspaper is the root educator of the public. The public opinion swings like a pendulum in the clock. It supplies all the information about political, social and economic problems to the public. We also come to know about all the newly published books and reviews of those books through the newspaper. A newspaper also brings information related to the science and technology world about all the inventions and discoveries throughout the world. Editorial section in newspapers enlightens our knowledge. It publishes speeches of great orators and also motivational articles of great motivational speakers. Articles of all the great thinkers of all countries for the benefits of mankind are published in newspapers. Thus, the press keeps us updated from all modern topics. Newspaper has the main role of enlightening and educating people and works for people’s liberty and rights. Newspapers are not only a public educator, a fearless critic but also a powerful social reformer. It is a political and social organ.

Newspapers can help a country in national integration. They are the voice of the people. If newspapers stopped there will be a mental confusion that arose between the people. However, there are also some bad consequences of newspapers sometimes they harm also when they carry on false propaganda. Not all newspapers play a positive or constructive role expected of them. They whitewash the truth and look at things with colored glasses. The masses lack the intellectual capacity and comprehension required in reading a newspaper. There are several people read the newspaper but not even halves of them read editorials, comments or serious initial articles. The rest content them by reading the headlines or the topical news. Sometimes they are bought by the communal parties and throw mud at others. There is a section of newspapers which indulges in blackmail, extortion of money and distortion of facts and news. This kind of journalism is unacceptable. Such newspapers violate all the ethical standards and adopt an anti-national attitude.
The need is that newspapers should not be narrow-minded or partial. They should be factual and concentrate only on giving the true picture of the society. They must guide the public opinion rightly. Newspapers not only inform us, they even instruct us and help us, influence us to form our opinion on important issues. Newspaper is the commodity that is needed by the all sections of our society.