Essay on Importance of Discipline in Life

Importance of Discipline in Life

The one thing that you will find common amongst all successful and famous personalities all over the world is Discipline. Discipline is important in everyone’s life of every age. Discipline holds the biggest secret behind every successful person. Successful people always tell their reason for the success that they lived a very disciplined and organized life. In order to make the mind accept the command and obey the orders of high authority, discipline needs to be inside us. Discipline is the symbol of civilization, the mark of humanity. Especially in student life, discipline plays the biggest role in their academic success and other activities. Discipline helps in sustaining a healthy society and it makes administration easy and effective. For the healthy and economic growth of countries, discipline should be encouraged among the citizens.

The word discipline comes from the word disciple, which means a learner. Discipline means learning to obey rules. Discipline is the quality by which one learns to control one’s feelings, emotions and behavior. It is the ability of self-control and self-direction. Rules are everywhere. There are rules of nature, manmade rules, rules made by societies and governments. The whole universe is led by rules. Even nature cannot unfollow them. Human society is also run by certain rules some are written while others are not. Discipline plays an important role in our day to day life. Discipline makes us self-controlled, enable us to think progressively and take decisions responsibly. It makes us a self-loving person and leads to a change in our attitude and way of thinking. It helps us tackle many problems in day to day life easily. It makes our character and it lays the foundation of a successful person.

"To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him." - Buddha

Discipline is a very essential quality required for social living. Without it, life in society becomes difficult. Without discipline, society will become a hell. Today you will see around most of us are confused and unhappy in life, lack of discipline is a primary cause of all these problems. Discipline is essential for the preservation of social values and the growth of a healthy society. Discipline is something that cannot be imposed on someone it comes only by self-imposing. It maintains morals and ethics in our society. Discipline should be taught everywhere to everyone.
Life without discipline is like a ship without a sailor. This sailor can lead to our life in a good direction and towards the way of success. To children and young men, discipline is an unpleasant word. They think it means limiting and restraint their life. However, they are wrong. Discipline means learning to adapt oneself conditions in life. It means obedience to some rules or laws of life. In other words, it means self-control to follow moral laws. The highest form of discipline is self-discipline. No man can have a truly great character unless he is able to discipline himself. It does not deprive a person of his liberty but controls him when he goes beyond his limits.
Discipline is important for every school and college-going student. Institutions should also make discipline and regulations for students with the prospect to make them a self-discipline person in life. Students should respect the rules and regulations made by the authority and obey their seniors and teachers. Strict punishments must be awarded to the code breakers and the offenders. Strikes in the colleges and universities are the very negotiation of discipline. It is observed that now a day’s indiscipline among the students is growing over the country. This is time to strict them otherwise, education will be in the worst situation.

iscipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all."- George Washington

In matters of administration and institutions, discipline is equally important from the head of the government and down to the lowest servant. Good citizenship is a matter of discipline. A disciplined man is an asset for the country and thus turns out to be a good citizen whereas an undisciplined man is a liability. A balanced man is disciplined in thoughts and actions and possesses a peaceful and calm mind, capable of making accurate decisions. A self-disciplined person should have determination, self-confidence along with faith in his own self. “The confidence which we have in ourselves gives birth to much of that we have in others”. A self-disciplined person is able to make the right priorities at the right time handling the situation efficiently and then acts upon them.
Discipline is the pre-requisite for growth and development in any form of economy. Every profession, every service needs discipline. Discipline is mostly associated with “men in uniform”. It is the hallmark of soldiers. Discipline in the army calls for strict obedience and humble submission. It calls for duty in the face of adversity and courage in the face of odds. Without discipline no army can conquer, no army can win a war. Great wars in history have been won by the power of discipline.
This is one calculated which we should indulge in ourselves at a very young age. The home is the first institution where the value of discipline can be learnt and the parents are their first guides who build them form a baby to a man. Moral education should be a mandatory subject in primary and elementary schools in order to teach the child the significance of discipline. ”Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders”. Discipline will teach them the values of self-control, obedience, the capacity for self-sacrifice and single-minded devotion to duty. Even this would guide them on the path of prosperity. It is clear, therefore, that discipline is not merely a good virtue, which adds colour and charm to their personality. It is an essential quality of life required by every one of us. Discipline alone can lead our society forward and make our social, professional and family life, a successful one. This value is necessary to be inculcated amongst the youth in order to ensure a safe and successful future of the nation.

"We need to understand the difference between discipline and punishment. Punishment is what you do to someone; discipline is what you do for someone." - Zig Ziglar